סגן אלוף (מיל') אודי קאוף
חבר ועד מנהל עמותת התקשוב
Lt. Col. (Res.) Ehud Kauf
Defense Sector Director, E&M Technologies Ltd.
Lt. Col. (Res.) Ehud Kauf is the Defense Sector Director at E&M Technologies (EMET),
a leading IT integrator in the Israeli market.
Prior to his current role, Mr. Kauf was the CEO of Computech International Ltd (CTI) Israel, a company specializing in development of advanced, unique rugged military C5I hardware-based solutions for the harshest conditions.
Mr. Kauf retired from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 2009 at a rank of Lt. Col. at the C4I Branch (J6) after 26 years of active service. Ehud continued in reserve service at the IDF until 2019. His last active service duty was as the Israeli Liaison Officer to the US ARMY at RDECOM, CERDEC, at Fort Monmouth, NJ.
Ehud has large scale program management, R&D & engineering expertise in the areas of communication and IT infrastructure, Command and Control, Cyber Security, Electronic Warfare, software & hardware development.
Mr. Kauf is currently a director at the Association for the Commemoration of the Fallen Soldiers of the IDF Signal Corps. He also leads a Center of Excellence for Defense & HLS at the Israeli Chamber of Information Technology.
Ehud holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Ben-Gurion University, and an Executive MBA Degree from Tel-Aviv University.
הרצאות מפי סגן אלוף (מיל') אודי קאוף:
דוברים נוספים באירוע IT For IDF 2023
רא"ל (מיל') בני גנץ
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תא"ל יעל גרוסמן
מפקדת לוט"ם -
עו"ד אבי כאלו
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תא״ל יוסי כראדי
קשר״רצה"ל -
אל"מ (מיל') רם דור
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הילה אנקור
סמנכ"ליתQlik Israel -
סיגל גפני
מנכ"ליתSG Communications -
ד"ר פנינה שוקר
חוקרת במכון ירושלים לאסטרטגיה ולביטחון (JISS) -
יאיר הורביץ
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מתן דוברושין
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